14-5 限额以上批发和零售企业财务状况(2019年)
Main Financial Indicators of Wholesale and Retail Trades Corporation Enterprises(2019)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项目 主营业务收入 营业成本 税金及附加 营业利润
Item Main Operating Income Operating Expenses Tax and Extra Charges Profits of Business
  合计 353854050 334701596 1349805 6444967
    批发业 292108104 279688370 1090762 4845877
            By Registration Category
        内资企业 272654428 261619542 1058868 4392064
                Domestic Funded Enterprises
         #国有企业 6307772 4830787 643129 653486
                    State-owned Enterprises
          集体企业 272507 256607 550 1850
                    Collective-owned Enterprises
          有限责任公司 101908989 99461493 154378 1014387
                    Limited Liability Corporations
          股份有限公司 22739988 22455178 14393 351611
                    Share-holding Corporations Ltd.
          私营企业 141351513 134551057 246171 2365034
                    Private Enterprises
          其他企业 73660 64419 247 5696
                    Other Enterprises
        港澳台商投资企业 10684594 10113987 15211 194889
                Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
        外商投资企业 8769081 7954841 16683 258923
                Foreign Funded Enterprises
        By Sector        
      农、林、牧、渔产品批发 5854757 5645454 7329 42890
            Wholesale of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry
      食品、饮料及烟草制品批发 26523332 24058783 740541 1288530
            Wholesale of Food, Beverages  and Tobaccos        
        米、面制品及食用油批发 3686974 3553875 3439 80811
                Sholesale of Rice, Wheat Products and   Rdible Oil
        烟草制品批发 8675407 7452692 701505 791886
                Wholesale of Tobaccos        
      纺织、服装及家庭用品批发 45443542 42525783 63956 877242
            Wholesale of Textiles, Garments and   Daily Consumer
        服装批发 10772558 9721853 20839 341913
                Wholesale of Garments        
        日用家电批发 991680 947688 2774 18452
                Wholesale of Family Electrical Equipments        
      文化、体育用品及器材批发 8004339 7637665 11189 174348
            Wholesale of Culture, Sports Products  and Appliances
      医药及医疗器材批发 7201116 6575247 17671 183021
            Wholesale of Medicines and Medical Appliances
      矿产品、建材及化工产品批发 169729868 165290747 166738 1923207
            Wholesale of Mineral Products, Building  Materials and
                 Chemical Products
        煤炭及制品批发 22403597 21836871 23121 128815
                Wholesale of Coal and Its Products        
        石油及制品批发 22437416 21741022 23535 351751
                Wholesale of Petroleum and Its Products        
        金属及金属矿批发 68606456 67419839 45182 650483
                Wholesale of Metal and Metal Mineral
        建材批发   26989390 25761604 50477 591679
                Wholesale of Building Materials        
        化肥批发 1489428 1415448 1887 21911
                Wholesale of Chemical Fertilizer        
      机械设备、五金产品及电子产品批发 19972567 18858874 40383 308778
            Wholesale of Machinery, Equipment, Hardware,Transport
                 and Electic Products
        汽车及零配件批发 5351571 5190075 12826 -5456
                Wholesale of Motor Vehicles        
        计算机、软件及辅助设备批发 1361223 1279116 2013 20750
                Wholesale of Computer Software and  Supplementary
      贸易经纪与代理 2089064 2028079 2264 35764
            Trade Broker and Agent
      其他批发业 7289518 7067738 40690 12097
            Other Wholesale not Classified Elsewhere        
    零售业 61745946 55013227 259043 1599091
        Retail Trade        
            By Registration Category        
        内资企业 55626669 49904112 238174 1285398
                Domestic Funded Enterprises        
         #国有企业 106873 97828 352 588
                    State-owned Enterprises        
          集体企业 493337 437122 1904 15348
                    Collective-owned Enterprises        
          有限责任公司 13954948 12639545 41642 179033
                    Limited Liability Corporations        
          股份有限公司 1477873 1427503 5076 -25152
                    Share-holding Corporations Ltd.        
          私营企业 39560847 35272652 189135 1114931
                    Private Enterprises        
          其他企业 25749 23252 35 406
                    Other Enterprises        
        港澳台商投资企业 2752681 2177550 10617 70279
                Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan        
        外商投资企业 3366596 2931565 10252 243414
                Foreign Funded Enterprises        
        By Sector        
      综合零售 8591591 7487919 42263 275881
            General Retail        
        百货零售 2510207 2136271 21347 42730
                Retail of Consumer Goods        
        超级市场零售 5361751 4734195 17487 208178
                Retail of Supermarkets        
      食品、饮料及烟草制品专门零售 5429476 4529170 41135 364431
            Retail of Food, Beverages and Tobaccos        
      纺织、服装及日用品专门零售 4193928 3439807 15251 137956
            Retail of Textiles, Garments, Shoes  and Hats        
        服装零售 1514282 1242460 4322 33251
                Retail of Garments        
      文化、体育用品及器材专门零售 2443292 2106637 18665 122789
            Retail of Culture, Sports Products and  Equipments        
        图书、报刊零售 452174 374822 2441 20963
                Retail of Books,Newspapers and Magazines        
      医药及医疗器材专门零售 1173220 980306 4460 14722
            Retail of Medicines and Medical  Appliances        
        西药零售 952621 810074 3535 16450
                Retail of Medicines        
        中药零售 190913 147794 809 -2844
                Chinese medicine        
      汽车、摩托车、零配件和燃料及其他动力销售 21082882 20003748 58668 200456
            Retail of Motor Vehicles, Motorcycles Fule and Parts        
        汽车新车零售 16368607 15576189 46544 118178
                Retail of Motor Vehicles        
        机动车燃油零售 3089760 2895927 7418 34155
                Retail of Vehicles Fule        
      家用电器及电子产品专门零售  3731308 3383097 12853 74314
            Retail of Family Electric Equipment and Product        
        家用视听设备零售 308119 283939 507 10815
                Retail of Family Electric Equipment        
        日用家电零售 2062537 1860636 5853 28559
                Retail of Daily-use Electric Equipment        
        计算机、软件及辅助设备零售 578436 520106 2120 22276
                Wholesale of Computer Software and Supplementary
        通信设备零售 531030 495385 1128 4896
                Retail of Telecommunicate Equipment        
      五金、家具及室内装饰材料专门零售 4486768 3970686 36550 161187
            Retail of Hardware, Furniture and Inside Decoration
      货摊、无店铺及其他零售业 10613481 9111857 29197 247355
            Retail of No Stores and Others