14-4 限额以上批发和零售企业年末资产及负债情况(2019年)
Main Financial Indicators of Wholesale and Retail Trades Corporation Enterprises(2019)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项目 资产总计   固定资产原价 负债总计 所有者权益合计
Total Assess Total Circulating Funds Oringinal Prices of Fixed Assets Total Liabilities Total Creditors Equity
  合计 159508173 111203986 11190254 101128121 57066004
    批发业 134970120 95020579 7306997 86705986 47175245
            By Registration Category
        内资企业 123341953 87487048 5867555 79208100 43081663
                Domestic Funded Enterprises
         #国有企业 3021535 2486790 553278 663422 2357294
                    State-owned Enterprises
          集体企业 88745 75877 9918 72797 15948
                    Collective-owned Enterprises
          有限责任公司 43860727 31788601 1832725 28129517 15646231
                    Limited Liability Corporations
          股份有限公司 15132392 8508021 766430 8612105 6498098
                    Share-holding Corporations Ltd.
          私营企业 61230293 44622780 2700366 41728195 18557896
                    Private Enterprises
          其他企业 8262 4979 4839 2065 6197
                    Other Enterprises
        港澳台商投资企业 6749640 4111900 866572 4069315 2643702
                Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
        外商投资企业 4878527 3421631 572869 3428571 1449880
                Foreign Funded Enterprises
        By Sector          
      农、林、牧、渔产品批发 3265369 2229057 228346 1963003 1278912
            Wholesale of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry
      食品、饮料及烟草制品批发 13480891 10221005 1396373 6701830 6734190
            Wholesale of Food, Beverages  and Tobaccos          
        米、面制品及食用油批发 1975688 1692364 109060 1545113 407365
                Sholesale of Rice, Wheat Products and   Rdible Oil
        烟草制品批发 4278937 3058799 635514 744909 3534028
                Wholesale of Tobaccos          
      纺织、服装及家庭用品批发 20145812 11680607 1082532 10348842 9383481
            Wholesale of Textiles, Garments and   Daily Consumer
        服装批发 4466660 3679755 264787 3000922 1423407
                Wholesale of Garments          
        日用家电批发 523240 479064 20927 418129 103162
                Wholesale of Family Electrical Equipments          
      文化、体育用品及器材批发 2855196 1970617 146358 1813857 1017461
            Wholesale of Culture, Sports Products  and Appliances
      医药及医疗器材批发 3675745 2943346 183112 2397479 1185919
            Wholesale of Medicines and Medical Appliances
      矿产品、建材及化工产品批发 78306336 55391342 2941185 54392194 23572655
            Wholesale of Mineral Products, Building  Materials and
                 Chemical Products
        煤炭及制品批发 8056030 6193155 77300 5308893 2715716
                Wholesale of Coal and Its Products          
        石油及制品批发 6974762 3827788 919419 4028661 2881439
                Wholesale of Petroleum and Its Products          
        金属及金属矿批发 35203465 25258147 505391 25118627 10013138
                Wholesale of Metal and Metal Mineral
        建材批发   15459960 10620445 1117182 11213761 4130687
                Wholesale of Building Materials          
        化肥批发 622989 575195 23971 501142 121692
                Wholesale of Chemical Fertilizer          
      机械设备、五金产品及电子产品批发 10228829 8051221 1177270 6713475 3422918
            Wholesale of Machinery, Equipment, Hardware,Transport
                 and Electic Products
        汽车及零配件批发 2594800 1728008 355614 1640886 953351
                Wholesale of Motor Vehicles          
        计算机、软件及辅助设备批发 735008 667651 99213 443251 290972
                Wholesale of Computer Software and  Supplementary
      贸易经纪与代理 881506 658699 42693 640220 235234
            Trade Broker and Agent
      其他批发业 2130435 1874686 109129 1735086 344475
            Other Wholesale not Classified Elsewhere          
    零售业 24538053 16183407 3883258 14422136 9890759
        Retail Trade          
            By Registration Category          
        内资企业 18680534 12886318 3156349 11345678 7108729
                Domestic Funded Enterprises          
         #国有企业 36824 21047 15262 23927 12897
                    State-owned Enterprises          
          集体企业 51016 30581 27779 23542 27351
                    Collective-owned Enterprises          
          有限责任公司 4718220 3293646 925105 2959728 1703413
                    Limited Liability Corporations          
          股份有限公司 1469810 840216 228696 757228 712582
                    Share-holding Corporations Ltd.          
          私营企业 12394533 8693695 1958156 7574771 4649453
                    Private Enterprises          
          其他企业 8494 5926 643 6226 1653
                    Other Enterprises          
        港澳台商投资企业 1545424 999221 328636 1002126 545665
                Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan          
        外商投资企业 4312096 2297868 398273 2074331 2236365
                Foreign Funded Enterprises          
        By Sector          
      综合零售 6536241 3633929 1123877 3692960 2854866
            General Retail          
        百货零售 1840527 1087473 514321 1292133 544119
                Retail of Consumer Goods          
        超级市场零售 4548919 2458236 573876 2324581 2234811
                Retail of Supermarkets          
      食品、饮料及烟草制品专门零售 1888060 940688 417267 582060 1247962
            Retail of Food, Beverages and Tobaccos          
      纺织、服装及日用品专门零售 1344726 912272 137994 839105 492339
            Retail of Textiles, Garments, Shoes  and Hats          
        服装零售 549000 427561 50166 368498 174018
                Retail of Garments          
      文化、体育用品及器材专门零售 964190 702504 191883 412566 546176
            Retail of Culture, Sports Products and  Equipments          
        图书、报刊零售 496259 340251 130706 191270 304989
                Retail of Books,Newspapers and Magazines          
      医药及医疗器材专门零售 527526 407215 71926 346663 180393
            Retail of Medicines and Medical  Appliances          
        西药零售 405649 317105 55716 258383 146984
                Retail of Medicines          
        中药零售 103352 74216 14927 75720 27632
                Chinese medicine          
      汽车、摩托车、零配件和燃料及其他动力销售 7846977 5580165 1350818 5242506 2549617
            Retail of Motor Vehicles, Motorcycles Fule and Parts          
        汽车新车零售 5965112 4642028 895501 4411491 1509976
                Retail of Motor Vehicles          
        机动车燃油零售 1505798 662488 309589 633086 865573
                Retail of Vehicles Fule          
      家用电器及电子产品专门零售  1240562 968912 108161 794715 437703
            Retail of Family Electric Equipment and Product          
        家用视听设备零售 57274 49442 8464 32272 24780
                Retail of Family Electric Equipment          
        日用家电零售 824027 615827 66234 547349 271149
                Retail of Daily-use Electric Equipment          
        计算机、软件及辅助设备零售 133656 95108 18856 56601 75859
                Wholesale of Computer Software and Supplementary
        通信设备零售 151022 140753 11267 107646 42862
                Retail of Telecommunicate Equipment          
      五金、家具及室内装饰材料专门零售 1247724 972248 198905 709914 491586
            Retail of Hardware, Furniture and Inside Decoration
      货摊、无店铺及其他零售业 2942048 2065475 282426 1801647 1090119
            Retail of No Stores and Others