13-18 设区市邮电通信业务基本情况(2019年)
Basic Conditions of Postal and Telecommunication by City(2019)
项目 Item                
Business Volume of Postal Services
(100 million yuan)
 Business Volume of Telecommunication Services
(100 million yuan)
 Number of Fixed Telephone Subscribers at Year-end
(10000 household)
Number of Mobile Telephone Subscribers at Year-end
(10000 household)
Number of fixed Internet Users 
(10000 household)
Number of mobil Internet Users 
(10000 household)
Pieces of Express Mail Services
(10000 piece)
Length of Postal Route
  福建省  Total 646.01 3234.74 763.71 4720.32 1779.04 3915.80 261951.28 683020
  福州市  Fuzhou 119.13 785.40 168.77 1034.09 386.78 840.97 47580.77 320261
    #平潭  Pingtan 1.35 29.10 5.98 40.49 17.00 35.63 244.43 362
  厦门市  Xiamen 102.25 510.22 110.73 648.77 236.33 559.33 42616.03 252031
  莆田市  Putian 55.50 229.14 54.63 339.69 131.91 283.55 15557.23 1625
  三明市  Sanming 11.14 153.78 41.05 263.19 102.75 217.10 3303.17 5511
  泉州市  Quanzhou 273.27 739.37 161.42 1032.98 385.03 865.38 121653.40 86279
  漳州市  Zhangzhou 38.26 313.53 77.09 524.11 186.73 426.96 16330.53 3332
  南平市  Nanping 13.27 158.35 41.61 281.77 107.45 230.83 3860.37 5257
  龙岩市  Longyan 13.28 162.01 63.49 281.76 116.30 230.69 4092.19 4526
  宁德市  Ningde 19.92 182.98 44.93 313.96 125.76 260.98 6957.58 4199