13-1 各类运输总量
Passenger Traffic and Freight Traffic
年份 客运量
Year Passenger Traffic
(10000 persons)
(100 million passenger-km)
Freight Traffic
(10000 tons)
Freight ton-kilometers
(100 million ton-km)
1952 251 1.72 156 1.44
1957 1966 8.81 1553 10.07
1962 2634 16.97 1845 21.65
1965 3226 16.22 2948 39.47
1970 3324 17.59 2862 40.92
1975 5887 28.36 3747 53.73
1978 7928 35.73 4871 74.03
1979 9996 43.71 5149 80.63
1980 16676 62.37 7979 100.34
1981 20013 73.45 8302 103.34
1982 22570 82.01 9077 120.39
1983 24620 91.50 10175 131.78
1984 29155 109.50 11479 151.61
1985 33984 130.33 13317 161.97
1986 34426 137.09 16931 195.48
1987 35693 159.38 18231 225.02
1988 37216 175.91 20131 242.02
1989 39622 173.66 19859 270.06
1990 39495 175.40 20321 272.71
1991 34038 186.70 12124 267.26
1992 36283 205.17 19836 347.28
1993 40465 232.27 25824 434.02
1994 36416 240.56 28447 577.73
1995 40080 247.65 28922 608.61
1996 42956 267.20 30593 590.58
1997 43658 253.15 30496 605.78
1998 42047 279.76 30010 661.61
1999 41413 301.58 28637 746.71
2000 44203 333.97 29483 687.65
2001 47393 372.72 30547 779.92
2002 49134 392.00 31837 827.44
2003 48097 386.19 33422 1223.82
2004 53950 441.40 37279 1401.26
2005 55615 477.82 40400 1576.12
2006 59369 524.99 44304 1904.36
2007 64244 587.90 50500 2083.72
2008 72742 561.77 57254 2401.41
2009 76121 597.75 58231 2477.46
2010 77153 648.76 66159 2983.52
2011 81082 723.83 75272 3404.11
2012 83725 771.93 84417 3877.73
2013 56965 785.01 96718 3943.77
2014 60765 902.36 111779 4783.48
2015 54031 915.21 111063 5450.96
2016 54237 987.52 120379 6074.83
2017 54118 1086.22 132252 6785.16
2018 51435 1153.28 136974 7652.89
2019 49379 1190.02 133693 8296.62
Note:Because the scope of Transportation Statistics changes, The Data of Traffic Passengers in 2013 has been adjusted.