12-4 集体经济建筑企业主要经济指标
Major Indicators of Collective Construction Enterprises
  2000 2005 2010 2018 2019
项目  Item
  企业单位数(个) 976 210 73 33 26
    Number of Enterprises(unit)          
  建筑业总产值(亿元) 89.53 88.01 61.44 129.06 169.39
    Gross Output Value
         (100 million yuan)
    建筑业竣工产值 69.59 63.57 43.29 66.42 100.65
        Output Value of Completed          
  房屋施工面积(万平方米) 1783.01 1657.55 884.06 1654.51 1914.65
    Floor Space of Building under
         (10000 sq.m)
   #本年新开工 944.55 724.47 339.27 554.62 515.12
        Newly Started  Building in  Current Year          
  房屋竣工面积(万平方米) 846.18 643.80 277.51 224.56 253.83
    Floor Space of Building(10000 sq.m)          
   #住宅 496.95 427.31 196.10 157.67 224.27
        Residential Building          
  年末从业人员(万人) 19.99 9.30 4.21 5.35 6.41
    Number of Staff & Workers at the
         Year-end(10000 persons)
    Overall Labor productivity
    按总产值计算 44526 91269 137908 241355 271852
        In Terms of Gross Output Value          
  工资总额(亿元) 15.71 15.65 13.95 32.29 36.54
    Total Wages(100 million yuan)          
    Financial Indicators(100 million yuan)          
    资本金合计 43.55 26.27 9.97 9.61 10.13
        Total Capital          
    流动资产年末数 144.02 67.18 33.75 37.56 43.88
        Circulating Funds at Year-end          
    固定资产原值 35.50 18.98 6.50 3.76 3.00
        Original Value of Fixed Assets          
    企业总收入 93.00 89.07 51.92 90.76 102.90
        Total Income          
    工程结算收入 91.48 88.05 51.61 90.41 102.72
        Project Settle Accounts          
    工程结算成本 82.83 80.92 46.52 85.59 98.02
        Actual Cost of Projects Settle          
    利润总额 1.03 1.39 1.10 2.46 2.07
        Total Profits          
     #工程结算利润 5.19 3.75 3.05 2.97 3.27
            Profits of Project Settle Accounts          
    利税总额 4.72 4.70 3.02 4.31 3.52
        Total Pre-Tax Profits