11-11 国有控股工业企业主要经济指标(2019年)
Main Financial Indicators of State-holding Industrial Enterprise(2019)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项目 企业单位数(个) 资产总计 负债合计 固定资产原价 固定资产净值 所有者权益合计 营业收入 主营业务收入 利润总额 利税总额 所得税费用 应交增值税
Item Number of Enterprises
Total Assets Liabilities Original Value of Fixed Assets Net Value of Fixed Assets Owner's equity Revenue Sale Revenue Total Profit Total Profits and Tax Income Tax Value Added Tax Payable
  合计 503 95406366 55324814 71690274 42994439 40020513 62870093 61613736 3539142 8179085 599957 2252502
    Grouped by Subordination                        
    中央企业 86 42382550 29179076 43584425 26218024 13064754 25805551 25506693 1032375 3895919 145239 1448172
        Central Enterprises                        
    地方企业 417 53023816 26145738 28105849 16776416 26955759 37064543 36107043 2506768 4283167 454718 804330
        Local Enterprises                        
    Grouped by Light &Heavy Industry                        
    轻工业 94 6202764 1902766 2749705 1551214 4299997 5572423 5419363 394471 2431071 87442 355227
        Light Industry                        
    重工业 409 89203603 53422048 68940569 41443225 35720516 57297670 56194373 3144672 5748014 512515 1897275
        Heavy Industry                        
    Grouped by Size of Enterprises                        
    大型企业 39 58631522 36198236 46067116 28315033 22433285 35049375 34442735 1512309 5481870 199932 1740510
        Large Scale                        
    中型企业 87 17865627 9464443 12569774 6550761 8401183 11352371 11083266 798566 1116779 169433 246315
        Medium Scale                        
    小型企业 333 15063152 8202539 11151845 6891342 6860500 13181905 12966006 761663 1019615 140998 190173
        Small Scale                        
    微型企业 44 3846066 1459595 1901539 1237303 2325545 3286443 3121730 466605 560822 89594 75504
    Grouped by Sector                        
   #煤炭开采和洗选业 10 802677 266211 313277 158864 536466 240832 215419 10735 38767 7291 20625
        Coal Mining and Dressing                        
    黑色金属矿采选业 4 625806 375354 534692 401190 250452 314985 309579 20748 40825 4585 14880
        Ferrous Metals  Mining and Dressing                        
    有色金属矿采选业 8 178933 52761 233240 81702 126171 291097 287617 35220 63781 5705 12790
        Nonferrous Metals Mining and Dressing                        
    非金属矿采选业 12 562375 83299 221486 174929 479076 140245 137327 30101 39767 5892 6027
        Nonmetal Minerals Mining and Quarrying                        
    农副食品加工业 17 195720 162450 88955 55856 33270 672851 641436 -4194 -984 473 1684
        Agricultural and Sideline Products Processing                        
    食品制造业 10 518225 167164 114595 76350 351061 131511 128870 6119 11392 2222 4174
        Food Manufacturing                        
    酒、饮料和精制茶制造业 9 127386 40184 102732 54489 87202 119302 118090 10998 22090 2212 5853
        Wine,Drink and Tea Manufacturing                        
    烟草制品业  6 2551492 755459 1350068 789651 1796033 2921481 2850799 98352 2045899 29942 287252
        Tobacco Processing                        
    纺织服装、服饰业 5 46202 6875 17410 6678 39327 35039 34934 5133 9219 419 3182
        Textile Garments Products                        
    木材加工和木、竹、藤、棕、草制品业 5 432617 296844 252202 155710 135774 296948 296189 -11412 -6029 -16 3730
        Timber Processing,Bamboo,Cane,Palm Fiber and Straw
    造纸和纸制品业  4 494907 152610 340209 133974 342297 214240 209075 13632 19620 1258 4431
        Papermaking and Paper Products                        
    印刷和记录媒介复制业 10 219503 67533 80924 23838 151970 111948 103458 17345 21599 2907 3399
        Printing and Record Medium Reproduction                        
    石油、煤炭及其他燃料加工业  3 6029354 4282644 2803598 1898352 1746710 5026678 4996289 108265 1176513 29039 701643
        Petroleum Processing , Coking and Nuclear Fuel Processing                        
    化学原料和化学制品制造业 23 1749654 1020034 1367934 881521 829319 1576287 1546981 60144 102928 19016 29052
        Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products                        
    医药制造业  11 967335 150935 146384 71921 816400 478042 476665 209313 250724 36270 35420
        Medical and Pharmaceutical Products                        
    化学纤维制造业 3 156489 118051 150776 87475 38438 285526 262464 -15211 -14395   28
        Chemical Fiber                        
    非金属矿物制品业 48 1161400 535151 635628 332061 620328 1145280 1115894 153081 205502 25229 43064
        Nonmetal Minerals Products                        
    黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业  8 5392754 2381182 3450397 2028201 3011572 6792805 6579260 677741 820495 142440 118137
        Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals                        
    有色金属冶炼和压延加工业  15 10635425 5250447 2046526 1317252 5384978 9519342 9285916 398703 593604 12564 161107
        Smelting and Pressing of Nonferrous Metals                        
    金属制品业  7 101226 55949 26607 16136 45277 326288 325982 2096 4952 2028 2339
        Metal Products                        
    通用设备制造业 12 614177 262673 195333 113254 349570 299391 280283 43304 51336 5489 5992
        General Equipment                        
    专用设备制造业  9 729469 502057 152743 71776 227412 290985 280305 -113483 -106144 1044 4291
        Special Purpose Equipment                        
    汽车制造业 15 3560867 2503880 1862437 941513 1056988 3579755 3496723 138316 262502 30827 45276
        Car Manufacturing                        
    铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业 9 2196318 1653288 627041 440404 543031 681976 668153 -93945 -89348 -1502 1430
        Railway,Watercraft,Aviation and others transportation
    电气机械和器材制造业  13 703312 510955 209329 149137 178196 533416 527330 12653 16559 3890 1837
        Electric Equipment and Machinery                        
    计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业 31 9256912 4674483 5580210 4033320 4582428 5456634 5352455 156380 233581 -6282 53557
        Computer,Communication and other Electronic Equipment                        
    废弃资源综合利用业   6 122799 86010 35752 23706 36789 130557 49345 3628 17516 656 12345
        Waste Resources and Materials Recovering                        
    金属制品、机械和设备修理业 5 133506 78088 44148 27908 55418 166509 165311 8206 9876 321 1183
        Metals,Machinery and Equipment maintenance                        
    电力、热力生产和供应业 120 38819746 25431964 45194986 26338628 13249062 18402085 18301670 1335056 2079554 191219 644221
        Production and Supply of Electric Power and Hot Power                        
    燃气生产和供应业   8 1692113 931114 1221929 738331 760999 1735075 1664737 123037 128133 28007 1779
        Production and Supply of Gas                        
    水的生产和供应业   47 4376597 2337044 2155443 1295027 2039553 572286 526115 72421 95490 9805 16057
        Production and Supply of Water