11-3 规模以上工业企业主要指标
Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
单位:亿元 (100 million yuan)
年份 企业单位数
资产总计 流动资产合计 主营业务收入 利润总额 税金总额
Year Number of Enterprises
Total Assets Circulating Funds Revenue from Principal Business Total Profits Total Tax
1998 6106 2626.33 1101.12 1860.76 55.76 103.85
1999 5549 2890.62 1209.61 2060.31 87.38 113.67
2000 6011 3368.64 1401.27 2468.69 110.80 135.80
2001 6583 3632.22 1514.43 2789.09 118.22 146.16
2002 7462 4059.60 1781.70 3522.47 204.30 164.91
2003 9208 4902.48 2306.49 4822.24 314.40 204.22
2004 11918 6034.04 2994.25 6581.07 382.00 253.11
2005 12396 6841.37 3393.30 7848.24 407.55 285.73
2006 13755 8168.75 4111.21 9661.48 586.52 377.21
2007 15178 10157.20 5056.06 12227.31 894.51 481.21
2008 17212 11694.91 5700.78 14816.17 896.11 560.87
2009 18154 13344.47 6564.47 16338.61 1104.05 649.12
2010 19227 16058.70 8420.83 21479.37 1754.18 824.27
2011 14116 18582.15 9797.20 26850.95 2114.54 992.88
2012 15333 21385.98 11419.24 29206.84 2023.27 1253.05
2013 16115 24959.37 12904.53 33111.10 2225.00 1396.21
2014 16744 27978.35 14189.64 37097.44 2344.27 1516.42
2015 17240 29647.54 14767.63 39591.28 2359.82 1614.97
2016 17262 32081.30 16286.10 42537.24 2889.26 1453.86
2017 17348 34591.63 17494.17 45658.46 3221.82 1493.86
2018 17347 36858.81 18968.09 50640.07 4180.27 1613.05
2019 18373 39551.81 20046.89 56787.62 4326.54 1503.65
Note:Since 2011,Revenue from Principal Business of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size become 20 million yuan frome 5 million yuan. The same applies to the tables following.