10-11 农林牧渔业分类产值和增速
Gross Output Value of  and Ratio Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery by Item
项目 Item    
数值(万元) 比上年增长(%)
Value(10000 yuan) Ratio(%)
2018 2019 2018 2019
  农林牧渔业总产值(万元)  Total(10000 yuan) 42295209 46365647 3.5 3.6
    农业产值   Agriculture 16534486 17747696 4.7 4.0
      谷物及其他作物    Cereal and Others 2399974 2489579 2.7 -1.6
        谷物     Cereal 1308512 1290981    
        薯类     Sweet Potato 358778 365435    
        油料     Oil-bearing Crops 218435 243495    
        豆类     Bean 77847 81097    
        棉花     Cotton 66 54    
        麻类     Fiber Crops 8 9    
        糖料     Sugar 33687 30811    
        烟草     Tobacco 234463 309494    
        其他农作物     Other Crops 168177 168203    
      蔬菜、食用菌及花卉盆景园艺作物    Vegetable、Edible Fungus and Gardening Crops 8110338 8769037 4.4 4.6
       #蔬菜     Vegetable 4789255 5206549    
        食用菌     Edible Fungus 2168448 2294074    
        花卉     Flower 854330 941966    
      水果、坚果、茶、饮料和香料作物    Fruit、Tea、Drink and Perfume Crops 5327899 5822914 6.0 5.3
       #水果     Fruit 2876950 3355957    
          园林水果      Gardening Fruit 2790069 3242825    
          果用瓜      Fruited Melon 86881 113132    
        茶叶     Tea 2360433 2372212    
        香料原料     Perfume Crops 1076 1794    
      中草药材    Traditional Chinese Medicine Materials 696275 666166 6.6 6.0
    林业产值   Forestry 3889991 4173334 4.1 4.1
      林木的培育和种植    Breeding and Planting of Forest 382952 419455 -3.1 6.5
      木竹采运    Cutting and Transport of Bamboo
        and Trees
1720978 1704466 7.6 2.2
       #村及村以下     Rural and under Rural 1257502 1176490    
      林产品    Forest Products 1786061 2049413 2.6 5.5
    牧业产值   Animal Husbandry 7184247 9143868 -2.1 0.5
      牲畜饲养    Livestock Raising 493393 545811 4.8 6.5
            Cow 175399 197978    
            Sheep 178230 204808    
        奶类     Dairy 139765 143025    
         #牛奶      Milk 130840 133218    
      猪的饲养    Hogs Raising 2362319 3318786 -11.5 -9.0
      家禽饲养    Poultry Raising 4111242 5029336 3.7 5.4
        肉禽     Meat Poultry 3502568 4256199    
        禽蛋     Poultry Eggs 608674 773137    
      捕猎野兽、野禽    Hunting Animals 33708 38989 -16.9 -3.6
      其他畜牧业    Other Poultry Products 183584 210946 11.7 0.0
    渔业产值   Fishery 13182040 13616754 5.1 4.3
      海水产品    Seawater Products 11322733 11616927 5.0 4.2
      淡水产品    Freshwate Products 1859307 1999827 5.4 5.3
    农林牧渔服务业产值   Services of Agriculture ,
       Forestry ,Animal Husbandry
       and Fishery
1504446 1683997 5.8 6.1