10-1 农村基层组织和劳动力情况
Basic Rural Units and Resource of Rural Labour
  2000 2005 2010 2018 2019
项目  Item
    Basic Rural Units          
    乡(镇)政府(个) 942 934 929 926 925
        Township and Town Governments(unit)          
      乡政府 365 341 334 281 271
            Township Governments          
      镇政府 577 593 595 645 654
            Town Governments          
    村民委员会(个) 14988 14630 14434 14388 14335
        Villagers’ Committees(unit)          
    自来水受益村数(个) 8341 9589 12592 13723 13825
        Number of Villages which have Running Water(unit)          
    通有线电视村数(个)       13959 14018
        Number of Villages Where TV can used(unit)          
    通宽带村数(个)       14280 14283
        Number of Villages Where Network can used(unit)          
    Resource of Rural Labour          
    乡村劳动力资源总数(万人) 1367.65 1490.55 1579.32 1653.56 1645.59
        Amount Resource of Rural Labour
             (10000 persons)
    乡村从业人员(万人) 1253.46 1320.51 1395.81 1424.69 1414.86
        Actural Employment in Rural
             (10000 persons)
        By Male
      674.32 712.20 752.57 765.42 761.05
      579.15 608.31 643.23 659.26 653.81
   #农林牧渔业从业人员 778.07 699.67 623.73 582.16 577.23
        Employment of Farming, Forestry,
             Animal Husbandy and Fishery