7-9 固定资产投资价格指数
Price Indices for Investment in Fixed Assets
单位:以上年为100 (preceding year=100)
项目 Item 2000 2005 2010 2015 2018 2019
  固定资产投资价格总指数  General  Index 100.2 100.7 103.3 98.3 104.9 101.5
  1.建筑安装工程投资   Construction and Installation 102.4 101.1 104.9 97.6 106.7 102.0
      人工费    Labors 108.5 104.9 107.0 103.8 102.6 104.3
      材料费    Materials 102.0 99.8 104.7 94.4 110.0 101.5
       #钢材     Steel Products 103.1 98.8 105.6 87.7 114.2  
        水泥     Cement 99.5 96.7 104.3 96.5 112.1  
      机械费    Instruments 100.2 100.1 102.2 101.0 101.2 100.7
  2.设备、工器具投资   Purchase of Equipment,Tools And Instruments 94.9 97.6 99.8 99.5 100.8 100.9
  3.其他费用投资   Others 98.8 102.8 102.4 100.1 100.4 100.2