7-4 工业生产者出厂价格指数
Ex-Factory Price Indices of Industrial Producers
单位:以上年为100 (preceding year=100)
项目 Item 2000 2005 2010 2018 2019
  工业生产者出厂价格总指数  Ex-Factory Price Indices of Industrial Producers 100.5 100.2 103.2 102.8 100.6
    按轻重分   By Light and Heavy
      轻工业    Light Industry 99.9 98.4 101.5 101.2 101.0
        以农产品为原料     Using Farm Products as Raw Materials 100.9 100.5 102.5 101.4 101.3
        以非农产品为原料     Using Non-farm Products as Raw Materials 97.7 97.4 100.6 100.7 100.5
      重工业    Heavy Industry 101.2 104.7 106.9 104.1 100.2
        采掘工业     Mining and Quarrying 107.5 123.4 121.1 104.2 103.4
        原料工业     Raw Materials Industry 103.4 107.8 107.9 107.7 100.1
        加工工业     Manufacturing Industry 97.6 100.9 104.1 102.7 100.1
    按两大部类分   By Two Parts          
      生产资料    Means of Production 101.6 100.9 104.1 104.2 100.1
        采掘工业     Mining and Quarrying 107.5 123.4 121.1 104.2 103.4
        原料工业     Raw Materials Industry 104.3 107.5 108.9 107.2 99.6
        加工工业     Manufacturing Industry 97.4 98.4 101.7 103.1 100.1
      生活资料    Consumer Goods 98.7 99.1 101.7 100.2 101.5
        食品     Food 98.5 98.4 104.7 100.9 102.1
        衣着     Clothing 101.8 101.7 100.9 99.8 101.3
        一般日用品     Articles for Daily Use 94.9 101.3 100.9 100.1 101.8
        耐用消费品     Durable Consumer Goods 94.2 93.0 98.7 99.3 99.0
    按工业部门分   By Departments          
      冶金工业    Metallurgical Industry 100.8 104.3 113.0 105.7 99.0
      电力工业    Power Industry 95.3 103.5 100.3 99.3 100.0
      煤炭及炼焦工业    Coal and Coking Industry 114.1 137.3 108.4 102.8 97.0
      石油工业    Petroleum Industry 138.4 123.5 124.4 119.3 104.2
      化学工业    Chemical Industry 100.3 104.6 107.1 104.6 98.4
      机械工业    Machine Building Industry 94.9 95.1 98.5 100.0 99.9
      建筑材料工业    Building Materials Industry 95.8 98.5 103.0 106.1 102.6
      森林工业    Timber Industry 104.2 103.0 102.7 101.2 101.1
      食品工业    Food Industry 98.2 98.4 104.4 101.2 101.9
      纺织工业    Textile Industry 108.4 100.9 102.9 103.7 99.6
      缝纫工业    Tailoring Industry 103.4 101.0 100.9 100.6 101.2
      皮革工业    Leather Industry 98.0 102.7 100.9 99.1 101.7
      造纸工业    Paper Industry 105.7 101.4 104.1 105.6 100.0
      文教艺术用品工业    Cultural,Educational & Handicrafts Articles 96.6 100.1 99.6 100.3 99.9
      其它工业    Others 94.8 101.7 102.7 100.4 103.4