6-4 城镇居民按收入五等分分组的人均可支配收入
Per Capita Income of Urban Households of Five Groups Divided Equally by Income Lever
单位:元 (yuan)
项目 Item 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
  低收入户  Low Income 14231.34 15831.44 16508.31 15855.77 17838.80
  中等偏下户  Lower Middle Income 23307.42 25304.04 27089.69 27959.43 30099.36
  中等收入户  Middle Income 31234.26 34091.43 36652.81 40407.97 42288.81
  中等偏上户  Upper Middle Income 41306.30 45198.52 49165.58 55902.07 58850.19
  高收入户  High Income 69131.21 73392.01 80839.04 99663.73 107290.65