5-15 各设区市规模以上工业万元增加值能耗升降情况
Indicators of Energy Consumption per 10000 yuan of Value-added of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by City
地区 Area 2010 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
     Total -6.08 -16.43 -13.83 0.05 -1.04 -2.86
  福州市  Fuzhou -11.97 -18.97 -15.24 9.15 3.18 -0.58
  厦门市  Xiamen -6.42 -16.81 -11.89 -1.54 -1.47 -6.75
  莆田市  Putian -6.19 -16.92 -10.53 14.86 35.24 -0.23
  三明市  Sanming -12.81 -18.19 -9.75 -4.80 -7.11 -2.17
  泉州市  Quanzhou 13.49 -2.87 -10.39 -3.83 -9.05 -8.01
  漳州市  Zhangzhou -7.65 -40.34 -28.91 0.63 8.94 17.11
  南平市  Nanping -5.83 -9.97 -13.03 -9.69 -8.01 -10.67
  龙岩市  Longyan -4.36 -16.52 -11.95 -1.23 -0.51 -13.92
  宁德市  Ningde -7.19 -10.50 -13.53 9.53 5.96 -7.21
Note:The data of the table is Equivalent Value calculation.