5-12 按行业分规模以上工业综合能源消费量(2019年)
Consumption of Energy in Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size by Sector(2019)
单位:吨标准煤 (ton of SCE)
项目 Item    
综合能耗 比上年增长(%)
Consumption of Energy Ratio(%)
  合计  Total 82590041 5.7
    采矿业   Mining and Quarrying 261026 4.3
      煤炭开采和洗选业    Coal Mining and Dressing 29226 -1.6
      石油和天然气开采业    Petroleum and Natural Gas Mining    
      黑色金属矿采选业    Ferrous Metals  Mining and Dressing 81273 9.9
      有色金属矿采选业    Nonferrous Metals Mining and Dressing 32440 -5.0
      非金属矿采选业    Nonmetal Minerals Mining and Dressing 118088 5.1
      开采辅助活动    Subsidiary Action    
      其他采矿业    Others Mining and Quarrying    
    制造业   Manufacturing 58022792 8.4
      农副食品加工业    Agricultural and Sideline Products Processing 761722 -9.6
      食品制造业    Food Manufacturing 502284 -13.8
      酒、饮料和精制茶制造业    Wine,Drink and Tea Manufacturing 211157 -9.8
      烟草制品业    Tobacco Processing 35677 -3.4
      纺织业    Textile Industry 2171406 0.1
      纺织服装、服饰业    Textile Garments Products 252094 -5.2
      皮革、毛皮、羽毛及其制品和制鞋业    Leather , Furs , Down and Relate Products 502944 -4.3
      木材加工和木、竹、藤、棕、草制品业    Timber Processing , Bamboo , Cane ,
        Palm Fiber and Straw Products
437135 -16.0
      家具制造业    Furniture Manufacturing 79073 -1.6
      造纸和纸制品业    Papermaking and Paper Products 2104263 25.5
      印刷和记录媒介复制业    Printing and Record Medium Reproduction 97191 -8.0
      文教、工美、体育和娱乐用品制造业    Cultural , Educational and Sports Goods 246240 -8.6
      石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业    Petroleum Processing , Coking and Nuclear Fuel Processing 9782064 6.1
      化学原料和化学制品制造业    Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products 7976658 57.9
      医药制造业    Medical and Pharmaceutical Products 222188 3.4
      化学纤维制造业    Chemical Fiber 1422580 8.1
      橡胶和塑料制品业    Rubber and Plastic Products 1315393 2.7
      非金属矿物制品业    Nonmetal Minerals Products 11118947 -4.6
      黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业    Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals 12380141 10.3
      有色金属冶炼和压延加工业    Smelting and Pressing of Nonferrous Metals 3821802 4.1
      金属制品业    Metal Products 512962 0.1
      通用设备制造业    General Equipment 219198 -4.2
      专用设备制造业    Special Purpose Equipment 135566 -6.5
      汽车制造业    Automobile manufacturing industry 233959 -11.6
      铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业    Railway,Watercraft,Aviation and others transportation
      电气机械和器材制造业    Electric Equipment and Machinery 432123 10.9
      计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业    Computer,Communication and other Electronic Equipment 827742 3.6
      仪器仪表制造业    Instruments and Meters Machinery 23138 -3.9
      其他制造业    Others Manufacturing 49001 -9.7
      废弃资源综合利用业    Waste Resources and Materials Recovering 68491 -7.7
      金属制品、机械和设备修理业    Metals,Machinery and Equipment maintenance 18328 6.5
    电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业   Production and Supply of Electric Power,Hot Power and Water 24306223 -0.3
      电力、热力生产和供应业    Production and Supply of Electric Power and
        Hot Power
24180103 -0.3
      燃气生产和供应业    Production and Supply of Gas 17088 -17.5
      水的生产和供应业    Production and Supply of Water 109032 -0.7
Note:a)The coefficient for conversion of electric power into SCE is 1.229.b)The ratio of energy is calculated on the basis of the data on average consumption in the same year.