4-17 外商投资企业工商注册投资总额
Total Registered Investment Value of Foreign-Funded Enterprises
单位:万美元 (USD 10000)
  2005 2010 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
项目  Item
  总计 7533131 12483059 19671281 22631550 26072064 27869529 29747115
        Grouped by Status of Registration              
     #中外合资 1987294 3455996 6547303 8164446 10537604 10985537 12293013
            Joint Venture              
      中外合作 303047 190773 189572 195591 177411 178465 180529
            Cooperative Operation              
      外商独资 5151428 8456761 12320789 13506981 14478945 15768727 16308470
            Venture Exclusively with  Foreign Investment              
        Grouped by Sector              
      农、林、牧、渔业 170682 208623 402367 440930 477715 518733 525965
            Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery              
      采矿业 10786 22242 48768 54287 54668 52168 51020
      制造业 4727634 8350872 11277703 12181801 12684424 12896877 13313063
      电力、燃气及水的生产和供应业 444184 617253 751810 768670 774777 775424 715237
            Production and Supply of Electric Power,
                 Gas and Water
      建筑业 89864 133944 203600 277580 405910 482713 482483
      交通运输、仓储和邮政业 198500 356884 758250 748525 787524 800466 824484
            Transport,Storage and Post              
      信息传输、计算机服务和软件业 58572 167493 426674 471271 500139 579414 708278
            Information Transmission, Computer
                 Software and Services
      批发和零售业 35960 330624 1197492 1409078 1926947 2149863 1826692
            Wholesale and Retail Trade              
      住宿和餐饮业 157919 212732 258433 266247 257139 393582 454530
            Lodgings and Catering Services              
      金融业 16393 98633 242006 322523 373712 471624 406370
            Financial Intermediation              
      房地产业 1366522 1430093 2063174 2144679 2140853 2200389 2908038
            Real Estate              
      租赁和商务服务业 42397 247703 1042150 2005251 3469202 3799726 4411616
            Leasing and Business Services              
      科学研究、技术服务和地质勘查业 33317 72538 366765 810823 1105920 1597948 2021605
            Scientific Research, Technical Service and Geologic
      水利、环境和公共设施管理业 24334 85376 143795 193401 331193 325429 274164
            Management of Water Conservancy,Environment and
                 Public Facilities
      居民服务和其他服务业 16226 92034 152374 159996 320382 319322 344976
            Services to Households and Other Services              
      教育 2061 161 961 3220 59080 60912 61031
      卫生、社会保障和社会福利业 17165 14907 30486 43258 53643 96026 204605
            Health, Social Security and Social Welfare              
      文化、体育和娱乐业 95283 40948 295306 320842 348669 346069 210160
            Culture, Sports and Entertainment              
      其他行业 25332   9169 9169 169 2844 2799
        By County              
     #中国香港 3517597 6484905 11285092 13459444 15244547 16424954 17996485
            Hong Kong, China              
      中国澳门 110177 158195 197072 237611 232051 241278 252677
            Macao ,China              
      中国台湾 996935 860503 1462385 1885124 2333658 2623998 2878763
            TaiWan China              
      日本 184722 253939 283398 308508 320140 331363 411151
      英国 131979 110470 169509 158731 230974 237896 235139
            United Kingdom              
      德国 52451 65886 64286 68607 123668 123702 110810
      加拿大 47181 73944 64188 67248 81051 194552 200858
      美国 547389 321559 387364 431077 388355 395698 361150
            United States              
      澳大利亚 40684 62774 137682 143400 141330 147077 74467