3-11 全社会就业情况(年底数)
Total Employment(End of Year)
年份 从业人员数(万人) 城镇登记
Total(10000 persons)
          Number of Urban Registered Unemploy-ment
(10000 persons)
Rate of Urban Registered Unemploy-ment
合计  #城镇非私营单位在岗职工        #城镇个私
国有单位 城镇集体
Total Staff and Workers State-Owned Units Urban Collective Owned Units Others Self-Employed Individuals and Private Enterprise  Labor Dispatching Personnel
1952 473.66 19.43 19.02 0.41   32.83      
1957 531.68 63.05 51.40 11.65   5.54      
1962 582.96 103.49 77.34 26.15   4.75      
1965 633.15 118.08 83.83 34.25   4.48      
1970 759.43 133.12 93.36 39.75   3.91      
1975 854.32 160.88 111.42 49.47   3.24      
1978 924.41 205.66 148.49 57.17   1.88   20.82 9.10
1979 953.72 217.99 156.70 61.29   1.72   23.35 9.60
1980 963.72 231.12 167.45 63.66   2.77   16.76 6.70
1981 1001.75 242.45 176.35 66.09   3.22   14.48 5.60
1982 1027.96 249.80 183.03 66.77   4.25   12.39 4.70
1983 1056.72 254.02 187.30 66.72   7.65   9.10 3.40
1984 1101.82 262.78 182.82 79.24 0.72 9.15      
1985 1152.09 274.11 191.37 80.93 1.81 13.78   16.50 5.40
1986 1188.93 283.86 198.50 81.79 3.57 15.26   17.45 2.50
1987 1237.74 293.34 205.34 82.26 5.75 19.33   5.65 1.80
1988 1281.07 301.71 211.00 81.93 8.78 22.59   7.90 2.40
1989 1301.81 302.50 211.16 78.49 12.85 25.15   9.50 2.90
1990 1348.38 310.86 214.65 78.12 18.09 25.28   9.00 2.60
1991 1436.50 322.28 219.43 77.43 25.41 37.82   7.93 2.20
1992 1489.61 338.80 222.04 78.67 38.09 31.46   7.08 1.90
1993 1531.42 344.79 220.48 71.32 52.99 46.61   7.65 1.90
1994 1553.57 352.60 218.77 66.25 67.59 59.82   7.60 1.90
1995 1567.09 344.11 217.06 60.30 66.75 66.04   7.20 1.90
1996 1594.37 351.30 217.97 57.47 75.86 68.58   8.08 1.90
1997 1613.41 357.71 215.60 54.80 87.31 66.49   7.80 1.90
1998 1621.87 334.53 187.80 41.36 105.37 78.57   7.98 2.10
1999 1630.85 320.38 175.04 35.71 109.63 88.07   7.93 2.30
2000 1660.19 318.00 166.78 33.15 118.07 90.19   9.10 2.60
2001 1677.79 314.27 158.27 28.91 127.09 98.90   13.23 3.80
2002 1711.32 315.32 149.10 26.54 139.67 111.35   14.96 4.20
2003 1756.71 334.08 147.07 23.13 163.89 128.40   14.60 4.10
2004 1814.03 365.56 145.42 20.96 199.18 128.32   14.51 4.00
2005 1868.50 386.99 144.51 18.19 224.29 155.42   14.86 4.00
2006 1949.58 412.21 144.06 17.23 250.92 182.15   15.13 3.93
2007 2015.33 429.30 142.73 17.24 269.33 222.77   14.85 3.90
2008 2079.78 441.58 144.23 16.70 280.65 263.33   14.95 3.86
2009 2168.86 452.76 142.73 14.41 295.63 319.57   15.19 3.90
2010 2241.59 485.94 145.74 15.38 324.83 338.64   14.49 3.77
2011 2459.99 538.32 142.25 13.60 382.47 445.99 33.01 14.64 3.69
2012 2568.93 561.29 143.75 13.17 404.36 507.48 42.88 14.55 3.63
2013 2555.86 555.66 133.88 10.69 411.09 485.78 47.85 14.70 3.55
2014 2648.51 559.95 135.75 10.32 413.88 562.90 49.78 14.35 3.47
2015 2768.41 567.50 132.70 8.94 425.85 666.49 50.25 15.41 3.66
2016 2797.03 569.57 133.88 8.11 427.57 691.73 49.62 16.25 3.86
2017 2805.74 566.62 133.44 7.62 425.56 697.53 51.35 17.15 3.87
2018 2791.37 588.80 128.45 7.55 452.79 691.24 58.14 17.33 3.71
2019 2781.26 522.82 118.99 6.66 397.16 833.32 55.95 16.81 3.50
Note:a)The statistic scope of staff and workersfrom 1998 refers to staff and workers on the job. Before 1998, the statistic scope of state-owned units refers to state-owned economic units, collective-owned units refers to collective economic units, others refer to the various other economic types.b)Since 2016,Number of Employed Persons in Rural Areas is Computative.