
 卫生机构  包括医疗机构、疾病预防控制中心(防疫站)、采供血机构、卫生监督及监测(检验)机构、医学科研和在职培训机构、健康教育所等。医疗机构包括医院、社区卫生服务中心()、疗养院、卫生院、门诊部、诊所(卫生所、医务室)、妇幼保健院(所、站)、专科疾病防治院(所、站)、急救中心()和临床检验中心。医疗机构分为非赢利性医疗机构和赢利性医疗机构。

医院  指设有固定床位,能收容病人住院并能为病人提供医疗、护理服务的医疗机构,包括县及县以上医院、农村乡卫生院和其他医院。医院按业务性质不同分为综合医院、中医医院、中西医结合医院、民族医院和专科医院。

卫生技术人员  包括执业(助理)医师、注册护士、药剂人员、检验和影像技师(士、员)等卫生专业人员,不包括从事管理工作的卫生技术人员。

医生  指在医疗、预防保健机构工作且取得《执业医师证书》的执业医师和执业助理医师。


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Health Care Institutions  refer to the units which have been qualified the Certification of Health Care Institution by the administration of public health, or qualified the Certification of Corporate Unit by the civil affairs, administration for industry and commerce, commission office for public sector reform, and engaging in medical care, disease prevention and control, health supervision and inspection, medicine research and health education, etc., including: hospitals, sanatoriums, community health service centers (stations), health centers, clinics (health stations and infirmaries), first-aid centres (stations), blood gathering and supplying institutions, women and children care agencies (centres and stations), special disease prevention and curing agencies (centres and stations), disease prevention and control centres (epidemic prevention stations), health supervision and inspection agencies, sanitary inspection institutions, medicinal scientific research and on-job training institutions, health education centres and so on.

Hospitals  include: polyclinics, traditional Chinese medical hospitals, hospitals integrated with traditional Chinese therapeutics and western therapeutics, ethical hospitals, various specialties hospitals and nursing hospitals.

Medical Technical Personnel  refers to doctors, assistant nurses, pharmacists, and laboratory technicians working in medical institutions.

Doctors  refer to certified physicians and certified assistant physicians with certifications working in medical and health care and prevention agencies.