
社会消费品零售总额 指企业(单位、个体户)通过交易直接售给个人、社会集团非生产、非经营用的实物商品金额,以及提供餐饮服务所取得的收入金额。个人包括城乡居民和入境人员,社会集团包括机关、社会团体、部队、学校、企事业单位、居委会或村委会等。

商品购进额 指从本企业以外的单位和个人购进(包括从国外直接进口)作为转卖或加工后转卖的商品金额(含增值税)。商品购进包括:(1)从工农业生产者、批发和零售业、住宿和餐饮业、出版社或报社的出版发行部门和其他服务业等企事业单位和个体经营户购进的商品;(2)从机关、社会团体购进的商品;(3)从海关、市场管理部门购进的缉私和没收的商品;(4)从居民收购的废旧商品等。

商品销售额 指对本单位以外的单位和个人出售的商品金额(包括售给本单位消费用的商品,含增值税)商品销售包括:(1)售给个人和社会集团消费用的商品;(2)售给农业、工业、建筑业、服务业等国民经济各行业用于生产、经营用的商品,包括售予批发和零售业作为转卖或加工后转卖的商品;(3)对国(境)外直接出口的商品。

期末商品库存额 对于批发和零售业法人单位和个体经营户,是指报告期末取得所有权的全部商品金额(含增值税);对于批发和零售业产业活动单位,是指报告期末实际在库且归属法人具有所有权的全部商品金额(含增值税)。库存商品包括:(1)存放在本单位(如门市部、批发站、采购站、经营处)的仓库、货场、货柜和货架中的商品;(2)挑选、整理、包装中的商品;(3)已记入购进而尚未运到本单位的商品,即发货单或银行承兑凭证已到而货未到的商品;(4)寄放他处的商品,如因购货方拒绝付款而暂时存在购货方的商品;(5)委托其他单位代销(未作销售或调出)尚未售出的商品;(6)代其他单位购进尚未交付的商品。

亿元商品交易市场成交额 指年成交额在亿元及以上的商品交易市场。商品交易市场是指经有关部门和组织批准设立,有固定场所、设施,有经营管理部门和监管人员,若干市场经营者入内,常年或实际开业三个月以上,集中、公开、独立地进行生活消费品、生产资料等现货商品交易以及提供相关服务的交易场所,包括各类消费品市场、生产资料市场等。

连锁企业(或称连锁店、连锁公司) 指在核心企业或总店的领导下,由分散的、经营同类商品或服务的企业或活动单位,采取共同方针,实行集中采购和分散销售的有机结合,通过规范化经营,实现规模效益的经济联合组织形式。一般连锁店应由若干个分店组成。其经营特征:(1)经营同类商品;(2)使用统一商号;(3)统一采购配送,采购与销售相分离(部分商品可根据物流合理和保质保鲜原则,由供应商直接送货到门店,其余均由总部统一配送)。




入境国际旅游者人数 指来中国参观、访问、旅行、探亲、访友、休养、考察、参加会议和从事经济、科技、文化、教育、宗教等活动的外国人、华侨、港澳同胞和台湾同胞的人数。不包括外国在我国的常驻机构,如使领馆、通讯社、企业办事处的工作人员;来我国常住的外国专家、留学生以及在岸逗留不过夜人员。

国际旅游(外汇)收入  指入境旅游的外国人、华侨、港澳同胞和台湾同胞在中国大陆旅游过程中发生的一切旅游支出,对于国家来说就是国际旅游(外汇)收入。

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods  refer to the sum of retail sales of commodities sold by wholesale and retail trades, hotel and catering services, and other industries to urban and rural households for household consumption and to social institutions for public consumption. Of which, the ratail sales to households refer to the amount of money of commodities of daily use sold to the urban and rural households. The ratail sales to social institutions refer to the amount of money of commodities sold to the government agencies, social organizations, military units, schools, institutions, neighbourhood (village) committees on public funds for the pupose of non-production and non-operation usage and public consumption. Total retail sale of consumer goods include the amount of money of commodities sold to the urban and rural households for daily consumption and the amount of money of construction materials for building and repairing houses, the amount of money of comsumer goods sold to foreigners, overseas Chinese and Chinese compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan,  the amount of money of commodities sold to the social organizations for the purpose of non-production and non-operation usage and public consumption.

Total Purchases of Commodities  refer to the total value of purchases of commodities by enterprises (establishments) from other establishments or individuals (including direct import from abroad) for the purpose of re-selling, either with or without further processing of the commodities purchased. The commodities include: (1) commodities purchased from agricultural and industrial producer, wholesaler, retailer, publishing hourse and other service business; (2) commodities purchased from institutions and government departments; (3) confiscated goods purchased from the custums authorities or market management agencies; (4) second-hand goods and wastes purchased from residents.

Total Sales of Commodities refer to value of commodities sold by the establishments to other establishments and individuals (including goods sold for self consumption, including the value-added tax). The commodities include: (1) commodities sold to urban and rural residents and social groups for their consumption; (2) commodities sold to establishments in all industries for their production and operation, including  agriculture, industry, construction, transportation, post and telecommunications, catering services, and public utility including commodities sold to wholesale and retail establishments for re-selling, with or without further processing; and (3) commodities for direct export to abroad.

Total Stock of Commodities  refers to total commodities possessed by wholesaler and retailer of various types of registration status at the end of the reference period, reflecting the commodity stock level of various wholesaler and retailer and the potential for market supply. It includes: (1) commodities located in storage, garages, counters, and shelves of operating places (such as sale stores, wholesale centres, and operating offices); (2) commodities in the process of being selected, sorted, and packed; (3) commodities not arrived but recorded as purchase in the account, i.e. commodities not arrived but payment receipts for the commodities from the sellers or the banks arrived; (4) commodities deposited in other places rather than places mentioned above, for instance: commodities in the hold of purchasers temporarily due to the refusal of payment and commodities not taken back after going through the formalities; (5) commodities entrusted to other units to sell but not sold yet; (6) commodities purchased for other units but not delivered yet. Commodities not included as stock are those not owned by the enterprises (units), commodities on commission for processing but not yet delivered, imported commodities of agency of foreign trade enterprise but not yet delivered to ordering units and finally those put in stock on behalf of the state material reserves units.

Volume of Transaction at Large Commodity Markets with Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan  refers to the commodity markets with an annual transaction of over 100 million. The commodity market refers to the markets approved and managed by related departments, where there are fixed sites, facilities, managers and administration offices, where there are a certain number of traders to operate for three month and above or all the year, where the commodities including the articles for daily comsuption and capital goods and services are traded in a centralized, independent and open way., Such market includes markets of daily goods and market of capital goods, etc.

Chain Enterprises(also called chain stores or chain corporations)  refer to a form of joint economic entities under which scattered enterprises or establishments engaged in providing homogeneous commodities or services, with the central leadership of core enterprise or headquarters and guided by common policies, conduct centralized purchase and distributed selling of commodities, in order to gain better efficiency through standardized operation. Consisting of a number of branch stores, the chain stores have in general following features: 1) homogeneous commodities, 2) unique name of stores, 3) centralized purchase and delivery which is separated from distributed selling operation (most commodities are delivered from the headquarters except some items which, from logistics, quality or freshness considerations, might be delivered by the suppliers directly).

Chain stores have two categories:

a) Chain stores under direct management: These are formal chain stores invested or controlled by the headquarters. They operate under the direct and unified management from the headquarters.

b) Chain stores through license arrangement: Through contracts, chain stores (their owners) obtain licenses from the headquarters to use designated Trades marks, names, operation know-how, and to sell the commodity developed by the headquarters. Under this arrangement, each store in the chain is an independent legal entity and operates under the guidance from the headquarters.

Number of Tourists  Visitor arrivals refer to the number of foreigners, Chinese compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Chinese (mainland) who come to China (mainland) for sight-seeing, vacation, visiting relatives, medical treatment, shopping, attending conference, or to engage in economic, cultural, sports and religious activities. In compiling statistics, each time of entering China is counted as one person-time.

Foreign Exchange Earnings from International Tourism  refer to the total expenditures of foreigners, overseas Chinese, Chinese compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan during their stay in the mainland of China, which are earnings of foreign exchange from international tourism from the point of view from China.