14-4 限额以上批发和零售企业年末资产及负债情况(2018年)
Main Financial Indicators of Wholesale and Retail Trades Corporation Enterprises(2018)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项目 资产总计   固定资产原价 负债总计 所有者权益合计
Total Assess Total Circulating Funds Oringinal Prices of Fixed Assets Total Liabilities Total Creditors Equity
  合计 128449308 90738551 9501875 79525966 48923342
    批发业 107653922 76550362 5717315 67921384 39732538
            By Registration Category
        内资企业 99596594 70752505 4877639 62934761 36661833
                Domestic Funded Enterprises
         国有企业 3067424 2544458 542732 713515 2353909
                    State-owned Enterprises
          集体企业 92173 79464 10231 75904 16270
                    Collective-owned Enterprises
          有限责任公司 35231345 25140650 1260122 23077194 12154151
                    Limited Liability Corporations
          股份有限公司 16574567 10754371 894944 9351938 7222630
                    Share-holding Corporations Ltd.
          私营企业 44621008 32229445 2164513 29712109 14908899
                    Private Enterprises
          其他企业 5195 2431 3627 995 4200
                    Other Enterprises
        港澳台商投资企业 4224261 2911755 365079 2353366 1870895
                Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
        外商投资企业 3833067 2886102 474598 2633257 1199810
                Foreign Funded Enterprises
        By Sector          
      农、林、牧、渔产品批发 1864452 1535017 225289 1337062 527390
            Wholesale of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry
      食品、饮料及烟草制品批发 10858955 7864706 1189324 5127675 5731280
            Wholesale of Food, Beverages  and Tobaccos          
        米、面制品及食用油批发 1334545 1166264 78064 1094148 240397
                Sholesale of Rice, Wheat Products and   Rdible Oil
        烟草制品批发 4392766 3197045 607697 862436 3530330
                Wholesale of Tobaccos          
      纺织、服装及家庭用品批发 17497723 9861942 1086259 7991513 9506210
            Wholesale of Textiles, Garments and   Daily Consumer
        服装批发 4914496 3655637 277225 2699764 2214731
                Wholesale of Garments          
        日用家电批发 436213 400445 19010 338800 97413
                Wholesale of Family Electrical Equipments          
      文化、体育用品及器材批发 2160879 1411340 123532 1321458 839421
            Wholesale of Culture, Sports Products  and Appliances
      医药及医疗器材批发 3632664 3018831 156670 2630765 1001898
            Wholesale of Medicines and Medical Appliances
      矿产品、建材及化工产品批发 61500716 44248303 2403335 42081409 19419306
            Wholesale of Mineral Products, Building  Materials and
                 Chemical Products
        煤炭及制品批发 3545072 2577272 102970 2676888 868185
                Wholesale of Coal and Its Products          
        石油及制品批发 6646555 3571590 1085023 3201514 3445042
                Wholesale of Petroleum and Its Products          
        金属及金属矿批发 29191782 21580175 465814 20969068 8222714
                Wholesale of Metal and Metal Mineral
        建材批发   11365059 8040558 430684 7803742 3561317
                Wholesale of Building Materials          
        化肥批发 745192 683794 20947 633581 111611
                Wholesale of Chemical Fertilizer          
      机械设备、五金产品及电子产品批发 7470279 6340168 426997 5246135 2224144
            Wholesale of Machinery, Equipment, Hardware,Transport
                 and Electic Products
        汽车及零配件批发 1654655 1477634 87728 1329732 324924
                Wholesale of Motor Vehicles          
        计算机、软件及辅助设备批发 433626 404815 16706 287698 145929
                Wholesale of Computer Software and  Supplementary
      贸易经纪与代理 804459 615497 38103 601324 203135
            Trade Broker and Agent
      其他批发业 1863797 1654558 67805 1584042 279754
            Other Wholesale not Classified Elsewhere          
    零售业 20795386 14188189 3784560 11604582 9190804
        Retail Trade          
            By Registration Category          
        内资企业 16756304 11701216 3177190 10166178 6590126
                Domestic Funded Enterprises          
         国有企业 20249 10519 9939 9837 10413
                    State-owned Enterprises          
          集体企业 42199 21694 27129 21149 21050
                    Collective-owned Enterprises          
          有限责任公司 5402429 3957027 989289 3426418 1976011
                    Limited Liability Corporations          
          股份有限公司 1799915 1121537 292577 972695 827220
                    Share-holding Corporations Ltd.          
          私营企业 9483350 6584152 1856685 5731173 3752177
                    Private Enterprises          
          其他企业 6573 5102 887 4536 2038
                    Other Enterprises          
        港澳台商投资企业 1237273 810829 289252 796918 440355
                Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan          
        外商投资企业 2801809 1676144 318118 641486 2160323
                Foreign Funded Enterprises          
        By Sector          
      综合零售 5048027 3006964 969228 2287151 2760876
            General Retail          
        百货零售 1844701 1106957 501195 1314171 530530
                Retail of Consumer Goods          
        超级市场零售 3052379 1811069 429319 915353 2137026
                Retail of Supermarkets          
      食品、饮料及烟草制品专门零售 1463568 797894 377494 494917 968651
            Retail of Food, Beverages and Tobaccos          
      纺织、服装及日用品专门零售 966129 720753 107135 574924 391205
            Retail of Textiles, Garments, Shoes  and Hats          
        服装零售 338179 283601 31702 210769 127410
                Retail of Garments          
      文化、体育用品及器材专门零售 1142126 670077 389968 611381 530745
            Retail of Culture, Sports Products and  Equipments          
        图书、报刊零售 473334 316878 119682 191153 282182
                Retail of Books,Newspapers and Magazines          
      医药及医疗器材专门零售 506941 376709 78512 293696 213245
            Retail of Medicines and Medical  Appliances          
        西药零售 410163 305462 67694 224883 185280
                Retail of Medicines          
        中药零售 69793 50550 8857 51372 18421
                Chinese medicine          
      汽车、摩托车、零配件和燃料及其他动力销售 6818700 5018556 1251098 4539997 2278702
            Retail of Motor Vehicles, Motorcycles Fule and Parts          
        汽车新车零售 5300792 4151728 883148 3923045 1377748
                Retail of Motor Vehicles          
        机动车燃油零售 1251646 663657 259740 479143 772504
                Retail of Vehicles Fule          
      家用电器及电子产品专门零售  1147987 921818 136903 731698 416288
            Retail of Family Electric Equipment and Product          
        家用视听设备零售 54165 48608 8504 30597 23568
                Retail of Family Electric Equipment          
        日用家电零售 777674 607796 85330 510932 266743
                Retail of Daily-use Electric Equipment          
        计算机、软件及辅助设备零售 115997 90836 19871 53840 62157
                Wholesale of Computer Software and Supplementary
        通信设备零售 142703 120903 20516 102506 40197
                Retail of Telecommunicate Equipment          
      五金、家具及室内装饰材料专门零售 1023953 801706 177137 579561 444392
            Retail of Hardware, Furniture and Inside Decoration
      货摊、无店铺及其他零售业 2677956 1873712 297087 1491256 1186700
            Retail of No Stores and Others