11-12 国有控股工业企业主要经济指标(2018年)
Main Financial Indicators of State-holding Industrial Enterprise(2018)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项目 企业单位数(个) 资产总计 负债合计 固定资产原价 固定资产净值 所有者权益合计 营业收入 主营业务收入 利润总额 利税总额 所得税费用 应交增值税
Item Number of Enterprises
Total Assets Liabilities Original Value of Fixed Assets Net Value of Fixed Assets Owner's equity Revenue Sale Revenue Total Profit Total Profits and Tax Income Tax Value Added Tax Payable
  合计 485 93771030 57172409 70510774 42505964 36598619 59222730 58150752 3844327 8329318 792076 2519541
    Grouped by Subordination                        
    中央企业 78 38388034 26105123 43126403 26248539 12282910 24464363 24171370 946740 3398920 167061 1393769
        Central Enterprises                        
    地方企业 407 55382996 31067286 27384371 16257425 24315708 34758368 33979382 2897587 4930398 625015 1125772
        Local Enterprises                        
    Grouped by Light &Heavy Industry                        
    轻工业 91 6136211 2092248 3112118 1318950 4043962 5295584 5015553 368999 2242955 76265 386630
        Light Industry                        
    重工业 394 87634819 55080161 67398656 41187014 32554657 53927146 53135199 3475329 6086363 715811 2132910
        Heavy Industry                        
    Grouped by Size of Enterprises                        
    大型企业 38 56215682 34112935 45273535 28578934 22102746 37759171 37152318 2563336 6390143 526825 2009880
        Large Scale                        
    中型企业 97 20680205 12175338 13692450 7178914 8504866 10927904 10606749 631135 988292 151859 279108
        Medium Scale                        
    小型企业 316 12577372 7293136 10173940 5998200 5284235 10268592 10131223 617512 906628 109678 226678
        Small Scale                        
    微型企业 34 4297771 3591001 1370850 749916 706771 267063 260462 32343 44255 3714 3874
    Grouped by Sector                        
   煤炭开采和洗选业 11 752339 234881 306747 160666 517458 255333 223520 55498 91436 7875 27930
        Coal Mining and Dressing                        
    黑色金属矿采选业 5 640568 367832 491811 364511 272736 233095 229497 6321 20518 1182 10351
        Ferrous Metals  Mining and Dressing                        
    有色金属矿采选业 10 199636 75341 209363 104292 124295 293286 290090 53003 94179 9305 26287
        Nonferrous Metals Mining and Dressing                        
    非金属矿采选业 12 554861 132494 208750 175136 422368 108659 105750 27800 38497 5893 7637
        Nonmetal Minerals Mining and Quarrying                        
    农副食品加工业 14 179330 142604 65323 41146 36726 581951 577547 8492 12154 1769 2829
        Agricultural and Sideline Products Processing                        
    食品制造业 11 621438 162330 115229 78810 459108 141128 136243 5981 13255 1283 5450
        Food Manufacturing                        
    酒、饮料和精制茶制造业 11 132714 40377 120672 64869 92337 126221 125419 9261 23199 2397 7280
        Wine,Drink and Tea Manufacturing                        
    烟草制品业  6 2545167 779440 1327414 528233 1765726 2689690 2513894 90914 1851259 28313 303661
        Tobacco Processing                        
    纺织服装、服饰业 4 41569 7239 17192 6703 34330 26789 26692 6730 11332   4102
        Textile Garments Products                        
    木材加工和木、竹、藤、棕、草制品业 4 437899 271548 312713 156217 166351 314129 313381 -98732 -89786 619 6903
        Timber Processing,Bamboo,Cane,Palm Fiber and Straw
    造纸和纸制品业  3 542131 300732 722749 171627 241399 197343 186391 1819 10947 133 6578
        Papermaking and Paper Products                        
    印刷和记录媒介复制业 12 212169 61137 99672 32521 151032 102683 99742 16434 22678 3605 5040
        Printing and Record Medium Reproduction                        
    石油、煤炭及其他燃料加工业  3 3818436 2162689 2701220 1971637 1655747 5083516 5080071 217644 1148473 55605 800821
        Petroleum Processing , Coking and Nuclear Fuel Processing                        
    化学原料和化学制品制造业 24 5360888 4384503 1762671 1234353 976384 1589971 1566597 204897 278327 48191 60901
        Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products                        
    医药制造业  10 829327 140042 135856 69603 689285 418987 415748 192679 234956 31432 36355
        Medical and Pharmaceutical Products                        
    化学纤维制造业 4 166734 199818 165475 89508 -33083 451982 382250 11575 28036 563 7901
        Chemical Fiber                        
    非金属矿物制品业 49 1176207 706040 762789 430071 470166 1073253 1066519 135685 189747 23505 44007
        Nonmetal Minerals Products                        
    黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业  7 4908640 1930954 3358120 1800596 2977686 6334666 6284474 911762 1183800 256032 233244
        Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals                        
    有色金属冶炼和压延加工业  16 10536919 5977574 2359374 1515254 4559346 8470176 8262597 499956 734679 45826 195867
        Smelting and Pressing of Nonferrous Metals                        
    金属制品业  8 115884 66115 30168 20364 49768 267728 267313 5240 7271 292 1484
        Metal Products                        
    通用设备制造业 11 587056 266520 182896 102934 320535 275390 254592 22648 30174 2712 5445
        General Equipment                        
    专用设备制造业  10 885196 782984 238170 122753 102211 450262 440325 -6159 6445 51727 9841
        Special Purpose Equipment                        
    汽车制造业 14 2701900 1820722 1059883 377688 881177 3326757 3275726 177348 358875 40590 92755
        Car Manufacturing                        
    铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业 8 2205457 1562497 624615 433905 642961 521893 512266 -113369 -99700 -8007 9209
        Railway,Watercraft,Aviation and others transportation
    电气机械和器材制造业  13 721962 535711 286348 210548 186251 409119 405221 -8545 -3722 -35 2753
        Electric Equipment and Machinery                        
    计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业 27 10883940 6457791 5225332 4202997 4426149 5881759 5791444 292970 411569 17891 99031
        Computer,Communication and other Electronic Equipment                        
    废弃资源综合利用业   3 18467 5127 17229 8357 13340 43564 43530 8386 9246 108 725
        Waste Resources and Materials Recovering                        
    金属制品、机械和设备修理业 5 130577 80019 42902 28501 50558 144680 144567 10399 12006 1882 963
        Metals,Machinery and Equipment maintenance                        
    电力、热力生产和供应业 111 36430347 24498947 44488369 26234639 11931399 17054047 16873423 972762 1539931 139334 480044
        Production and Supply of Electric Power and Hot Power                        
    燃气生产和供应业   10 1747474 1063842 1028260 588708 683632 1471018 1421918 31988 40322 8166 4221
        Production and Supply of Gas                        
    水的生产和供应业   41 3442741 1831252 1936471 1129141 1611488 497054 449164 71839 92311 8336 15400
        Production and Supply of Water