
农林牧渔业总产值  指以货币形式表现的农、林、牧、渔业全部产品的总量和对农、林、牧、渔业生产活动进行的各种支持性服务活动的价值,它反映一定时期内农业生产总规模和总成果。农林牧渔业总产值的核算采用“产品法”进行计算,即用产品产量乘以价格求得各种产品的产值,然后把它们加总求得各业的产值,最后相加求得农林牧渔业总产值。1957年以前的农林牧渔业总产值中包括了厩肥和农民自给性手工业(如农民自制衣服、鞋、袜,自己从事粮食初步加工等)1958年及以后,林业中增加了村及村以下竹木采伐产值; 牧业中取消了厩肥产值; 副业中取消了农民自给性手工业产值,增加了村及村以下办的工业产值;渔业中增加了海洋捕捞水产品产值。1980 年及以后,在副业中增加了农民家庭兼营工业商品部分的产值。从1984年起村及村以下工业产值划归工业。从1993年起取消副业,将野生动物的捕猎划入牧业、野生植物采集和农民家庭兼营商品性工业划归农业。1996 年第一次农业普查以后,由于畜牧业产品年报数据与普查数据之间存在一定的差距,国家统计局对畜牧业年报数据与普查数据进行衔接,相应的畜牧业产值进行调整。2007-2017年农林牧渔业产值,以全省第三次农业普查数据为基础,对农业、林业、牧业、渔业和服务业进行了调整和衔接。

粮食产量  指稻谷、小麦、玉米、高粱等谷物及薯类和豆类的全社会产量。包括国有经济经营的、集体统一经营的和农民家庭经营的粮食产量,还包括工矿企业办的农场和其他生产单位的产量。其产量计算方法,豆类按去豆荚后的干豆计算; 薯类(包括甘薯和马铃薯,不包括芋头和木薯)1963年以前按每4 公斤鲜薯折1 公斤粮食计算,从1964年开始改为按5 公斤鲜薯折1 公斤粮食计算。城市郊区作为蔬菜的薯类(如马铃薯等)按鲜品计算,并且不作粮食统计。其他粮食一律按脱粒后的原粮计算。1989年以前全国粮食产量数据的取得主要是靠全面报表取得,1989年以后开始使用抽样调查数据。

棉花产量  指春播棉和夏播棉的全社会产量。产量按皮棉计算。3 公斤籽棉折1 公斤皮棉,不包括木棉。

油料产量  指全部油料作物的生产量。包括花生、油菜籽、芝麻、向日葵籽、胡麻籽(亚麻籽)和其他油料。不包括大豆、木本油料和野生油料。花生以带壳干花生计算。

水产品产量  指人工养殖的水产品和天然生长的水产品的捕捞量。包括全部海水和淡水鱼类、虾蟹类、贝类、藻类和其他渔业产品的产品的最终产量。1995年及以前,贝类中牡蛎按鲜肉计算; 蚶、蛤、蛙按5斤鲜品折1斤计算。1996 年以后则统一按鲜品计算。

猪、牛、羊肉产量  指当年出栏并已屠宰、除去头、蹄、下水后带骨肉( 即胴体重) 的重量。其统计范围为全社会。1996年前为各级逐级上报数据。1996 年第一次农业普查以后,由于畜牧业产品年报数据与普查数据之间存在一定的差距,国家统计局对畜牧业年报数据与普查数据进行了衔接。1999 年以后,国家统计局开展了猪、牛、羊、禽等主要畜禽品种的抽样调查,并用抽样数据作为国家定案数据使用。未开展抽样调查的品种,仍使用各级统计部门逐级上报数据。

期初()畜禽存栏头()  指报告期初()农村各种合作经济组织和国营农场、农民个人、机关、团体、学校、工矿企业、部队等单位以及城镇居民饲养的大牲畜、猪、羊、家禽等畜禽的存栏数。数据上报方式及数据调整情况同猪、牛、羊肉产量。

农作物播种面积  指实际播种或移植有农作物的面积。凡是实际种植农作物的面积,不论种植在耕地上还是种植在非耕地上,均包括在农作物播种面积中。在播种季节基本结束后,因遭灾而重新改种和补种的农作物面积,也包括在内。该指标可以反映我国耕地面积的利用情况。目前,农作物播种面积主要包括粮食、棉花、油料、糖料、麻类、烟叶、蔬菜和瓜类、药材和其它农作物九大类。

有效灌溉面积  指具有一定的水源,地块比较平整,灌溉工程或设备已经配套,在一般年景下当年能够进行正常灌溉的耕地面积。在一般情况下,有效灌溉面积应等于灌溉工程或设备已经配备,能够进行正常灌溉的水田和水浇地面积之和。该指标可以反映我国耕地的抗旱能力。

农用化肥施用量  指本年内实际用于农业生产的化肥数量,包括氮肥、磷肥、钾肥和复合肥。化肥施用量要求按折纯量计算数量。折纯量是指把氮肥、磷肥、钾肥分别按含氮、含五氧化二磷、含氧化钾的百分之百成份进行折算后的数量。复合肥按其所含主要成分折算。

公式:折纯量= 实物量×某种化肥有效成份含量的百分比

农业机械总动力  指主要用于农、林、牧、渔业的各种动力机械的动力总和。包括耕作机械、排灌机械、收获机械、农用运输机械、植物保护机械、牧业机械、林业机械、渔业机械和其他农业机械〔内燃机按引擎马力折成瓦()计算、电动机按功率折成瓦()计算〕。不包括专门用于乡、镇、村、组办工业、基本建设、非农业运输、科学试验和教学等非农业生产方面用的动力机械与作业机械。这个指标的统计数据主要来源于农机部门。

乡村从业人员  指乡村人口中劳动年龄在16 周岁以上实际参加生产经营活动并取得实物或货币收入的人员,包括劳动年龄内经常参加劳动的人员,也包括超过劳动年龄但经常参加劳动的人员,但不包括户口在家的在外学生、现役军人和丧失劳动能力的人,也不包括待业人员和家务劳动者。从业人员按从事主业时间最长(时间相同按收入)分为农业从业人员、工业从业人员、建筑业从业人员、交运仓储及邮电业从业人员、批零贸易及住宿餐饮业从业人员、其它行业从业人员。


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery  refers to the total value of products of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, which reflects the total scale and result of agricultural production during a given period. Gross output value of agriculture is obtained by first multiplying the output of each product or by product by its price, resulting in t he output value of each s ingle item. For a small number of products, annual output of which is not available or difficult to get due to the long production growing process involved, t he output value is estimated through an indirect approach. The sum of out put value of all products of farming, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery is then equal to the gross output value of agriculture. Prior to 1957, Chinas gross agricultural output value included barnyard manure and handicraft products for self-consumption (clothes, shoes, stockings, and initial grain processing undertaken by peasants). Since 1958, cutting and felling of bamboo and trees by villages and other cooperative organizations under villages have been included in forestry; value of barnyard manure has been excluded from animal husbandry; self consumed handicraft s has been excluded from sideline occupations, while the output value of industries run by villages and cooperative organizations under village had been included inside line occupations and the out put value of fish catches by motor fishing boats has been added to fishery. Since 1980, the value of handicraft products made for sale by individuals in households had been added to sideline occupations. Since 1984, industries run by villages and under villages have been included in the sector of industry. Since 1993, the subdivision of sideline occupations has been canceled, and the hunting of wild animals has been classified into animal husbandry, and the gathering of wild plants and commodity industry run by rural household have been included in farming. The Firs t Agriculture Census of China in 1996 revealed some discrepancy between the production of animal products from the annual reports and that from the census. Efforts were made by NBS to adjust the output value of animal husbandry to make the figures from the annual reports consistent with the census data. data on Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery in from 2007 to 2017 have been adjusted according to the data obtained from the Third National Agricultural Census.

Grain Output  refers to the total output of rice, wheat, corn, sorghum, millet and other miscellaneous grains as well as tubers and bean in the whole region including grains produced by state farms, collective units, industrial enterprises and mines. Output of beans refers to dry beans without pods. The output of tubers (sweet potatoes and potatoes, not including taros and cassava) was converted into that of grain at the ratio 4:1, i.e. 4 kilograms of fresh tubers was equivalent to 1 kilogram of grain up to 1963. Since 1964 the ratio for conversion has been 5:1.Tubers supplied as vegetables (such as potatoes) in cities and suburbs are calculated as fresh vegetables and their output is not included in the output of grain. Output of all other grains refers to husked grain. Data on grain production before 1989 were obtained through Comprehensive Statistical Reporting System, since then, sample survey data are used.

Cotton Output  refers to the cotton production in the whole Region including cotton sown in spring and in autumn. Output is measured as the weight of ginned cotton. Three kilograms of seed-cotton are equivalent to 1 kilogram of ginned cotton, excluding ceiba.

Output of Oil-bearing Crops  refers to the total production of oil-bearing crops of various kinds, including peanuts, (dry, in shell) rapeseeds, sesame, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, and other oil-bearing crops. Soybeans, oil-bearing woody plants, and wild oil-bearing crops are not included.

Output of Aquatic Products  refers to catches of both artificially cultured and naturally grown aquatic products, including fish, shrimps, crabs and shellfish in sea and inland water as well as seaweed. Freshwater plants are not included. Data on output of aquatic products are reported by aquatic product and statistical agencies level by level. Before 1995, among the shellfish, the oyster was counted as fresh meat; 5 kilograms of ark shell, clams and frogs are equivalent to 1 kilogram of fresh aquatic products; they are all counted as fresh aquatic products since1996.

Output of Pork, Beef, and Mutton  refers to the meat of slaughtered hogs, cattle, sheep and goats wit h head, feet, and offal taken away. The statistical scope is of the whole society. The first agriculture census of China in 1996 revealed some discrepancy between the production of animal products from the annual reports and that from the census. Efforts were made by NBS to adjust the output value of animal husbandry to make the figures from the annual rep orts consistent with the census data. Since 1999, NBS conducted sample survey for t he major animal husbandry products, such as hogs, cattle, sheep and goats and fowls, and the data from sample surveys are used as national finalized data. Those products, which are not covered by the sample survey, are still reported by statistical agencies level by level.

Number of Livestock or Poultry in Stock at Beginning (or End) of period  refers to the total number of large animals, pigs, sheep, fowls, etc. raised by rural cooperative organizations, state farms, rural individuals, government agencies, schools, industrial and mining enterprises, army, and urban residents at the beginning (or end) of the reference period. Data reporting system and data adjustment are the same as that in the output of pork, beef and mutton.

Sown Area of Crops  refers to area of land sown or transplanted with crops regardless of being in cultivated area or no cultivated area. Area of land re-sown due to natural disasters is also included. The indicator can reflect the utilization condition of the cultivated land in China. At p resent, t he sown area of crops mainly include the following 9 categories of crops: grain, cotton, oil-bearing crops, sugar crops, fiber crops, Tobacco, Vegetables and melons, medicinal materials and other farm crops.

Irrigated Area  refers to areas that are effectively irrigated, i.e. level land, which has water source and complete sets of irrigation facilities to lift and move adequate water for irrigation purpose under normal conditions. Under normal conditions, irrigated area is the sum of watered fields and irrigated fields where irrigation systems or equipment have been installed for regular irrigation purpose. This indicator can reflect drought resistance capacity of the cultivated land in China.

Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers in Agriculture  refers to the quantity of chemical fertilizers applied in agriculture in the year, including nitrogenous fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer, and compound fertilizer. The consumption of chemical fertilizers is required in calculation to convert the gross weight into weight containing 100% effective component (e.g. 100% nitrogen content in nitrogenous fertilizer, 100%phosphorous pent oxide contents in phosphate fertilizer, 100%potassium oxide contents in potash fertilizer). Compound fertilizer is converted with its major component. The formula is:

Volume of effective component = physical quantity×effective component of certain chemical fertilizer (%)

Total Power of Farm Machinery  refers to total mechanical power of machinery used in farming, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery, including ploughing, irrigation and drainage, harvesting, transport, plant protection, stock breeding, forestry and fishery. The power of internal combust ion engines is required to convert horsepower into watts and the power of electric motors is required to be converted into watts. Machinery employed for non-agricultural purposes, such as the machines used in township run and village-run industry, construction, nonagricultural transport, scientific experiments and teaching, is excluded. Data are mainly from agricultural machinery agencies.

Rural Employed Persons  refer to rural labor forces aged over 16 years old who are engaged in real production and management activities and receive payment in kind or wages, including those covered within the age frame and regularly participating in production activities, and those who are out of the range of age frame and also participating in production activities regularly. Excluding students studying in other places with their permanent residence registered in local areas, servicemen and persons incapable of working; also excluding those who are waiting for jobs and those engaged in household work. Persons employed are classified as rural employed persons; industrial employed persons; construction industry employed persons; transport, storage and telecommunications industries employed persons; whole sales and retail sales Trades and catering industry employed persons and others according to the longest period of persons engaged in major activities (or using income indicator when periods are the same).