1-5 平均每天主要社会经济活动
Selected Indicators on Average Daily Social and Economic Activities
1978 1990 2000 2010 2017 2018
项目  Item
    Daily  Provice Production
    地区生产总值(亿元) 0.18 1.43 10.29 40.38 88.47 98.09
        Gross Domestic Product(100 million yuan)
    农林牧渔总产值(亿元) 0.10 0.62 2.83 6.10 10.81 11.59
        Gross Output Value of Farming,Forestry,  
             AnimalHusbandry and Fishery(100 million yuan)
    工业总产值(亿元) 0.17 1.46 10.91 65.22 137.16 158.17
        Gross Output Value of Industry(100 million yuan)
    一般公共预算总收入(亿元) 0.04 0.16 1.01 5.63 12.62 13.82
        Government Revenue(100 million yuan)
     地方一般公共预算收入 0.64 3.15 7.70 8.24
            Local Government Revenue
    一般公共预算支出(亿元) 0.04 0.19 0.89 4.64 12.83 13.24
        Government Expenditure(100 million yuan)
    原煤(吨) 11590 25353 10247 66924 30329 25142
    原盐(吨) 2594 1841 775 915 619 630
    发电量(万千瓦时) 1114.79 3743.84 11030.87 37159.45 56510.49 63392.33
        Electricity(10000 kwh)
    粗钢(吨) 443 1415 3414 29778 51585 5755
        Crude Steel(ton)
    钢材(吨) 379 1542 7754 36728 74678 79889
        Rolled Steel(ton)
    生铁(吨) 728 1715 4081 15310 25696 26913
        Pig Iron(ton)
    水泥(吨) 3300 14796 41356 158718 231348 240635
    平板玻璃(重量箱) 1194 1810 13111 74385 129843 135602
        Plain Glass(weigh case)
    布(万米) 30.68 61.92 152.64 854.80 2489.94 2951.78
        Cloth(10000 m)
    纱(吨) 50 150 392 5061 14319 15595
    服装(万件) 30.46 108.95 800.75 1190.45 1293.17
        Clothes(10000 pcs)
    机制纸及纸板(吨) 550 1427 2324 11837 21367 21135
        Machine-made Paper and Paperboard(ton)
    农用化肥(吨) 449 1196 1677 1586 658 1867
        Chemical Fertilizers(ton)
    烧碱(吨) 118 238 427 551 1040 1015
        Caustic Soda(ton)
    彩色电视机(台) 3374 5579 24742 26118 26835
        Color TV(set)
    卷烟(箱) 558 2093 2695 4623 4559 4686
    罐头(吨) 112 395 732 5567 9012 8662
        Canned Food(ton)
    粮食(吨) 20408 24100 23352 16018 13347 13660
    油料(吨) 378 484 705 605 536 582
        Oil-bearing Crops(ton)
    甘蔗(吨) 7891 9432 2260 1526 722 716
        Sugar Cane(ton)
    茶叶(吨) 56 159 344 747 1082  1146 
    水果(吨) 277 2076 9765 13993 16470  17529 
    肉类(吨) 1968 3987 5277 7258  7015 
    水产品(吨) 1492 3989 14423 16094 20399 21428
        Aquatic Products(ton)
    食用菌(吨) 500 1264 2090 3374 3461
        Edible Fungus(ton)
    Daily Provice Consumption
    能源消费量(万吨标准煤) 1.88 4.00 8.04 25.18 35.31 35.98
        Energy Consumption(10000 tons of SCE)
    社会消费品零售总额(亿元) 0.08 0.57 3.61 14.55 35.65 39.23
        Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods(100 million
    Other Daily Economic Activities
    国际旅游外汇收入(万美元) 244.21 815.96 2078.90  2490.85 
        Foreign Exchange Earnings from International
             Tourism(USD 10000)
    能源生产总量(万吨标准煤) 1.26 2.65 4.52 8.93 11.58 11.19
        Total Energy Production(10000 tons of SCE)
    货运周转量(亿吨公里) 0.20 0.75 1.88 8.17 18.59 20.97
        Freight Traffic(100 million ton-km)
    客运周转量(万人公里) 978.90 4805.48 9124.86 17774.25 29759.45 31596.71
        Passenger Traffic(10000 person-km)
    货物进出口总额(万美元) 55.62 1188.79 5798.72 29802.81 46858.85 51390.58
        Total Value of Imports and Exports(USD 10000)
      出口总额(万美元) 52.05 670.98 3526.85 19587.16 28748.43 31694.62
            Total Exports
      进口总额(万美元) 3.56 517.81 2271.87 10215.66 18110.42 19695.96
            Total Imports
    主要港口货物吞吐量(万吨) 1.12 4.10 18.97 89.55 142.45 152.90
        Freight Handled at Principal Seaports(10000 tons)
    邮电业务总量(万元) 27.67 200.55 6730.60 32717.53 35338.63 69124.11
        Business Volume of Postal and Telecommunication 
             Services(10000 yuan)
    邮寄函件(万件) 24.08 44.46 66.02 69.04 31.68 25.48
        Number of   Letters(10000 piece)
    图书出版总印数(万份) 18.68 44.69 55.46 21.23 29.61 31.40
        Books(10000 copies)
    杂志出版总印数(万份) 1.06 8.65 12.19 8.06 8.31 6.80
        Magazines(10000 copies)
    报纸出版总印数(万份) 40.50 113.58 188.24 273.92 230.02 215.22
        Newspapers(10000 copies)
    Daily Marriages Changes 
    结婚对数(对) 714 1038 798  750
    离婚对数(对) 33 120 246  251